This is the real ISB interview experience of a candidate who has 3 years 9 months of work experience in Energy field.

The ISB interview was conducted on November 3, 2016. As per the candidate’s information, there were two alumni in the interview panel.
Interview Date | 3rd Nov, 2016 |
Work Profile | Oil & Gas / 3 years 9 months |
Re-Applicant? | No |
Interviewers’ Profile | P1 – Alum P2 – Alum |
Qn. How you got placed in IOCL?
A: By getting AIR 41 in GATE exam.
Qn: Didn’t you sit for placements at IIT?
A: Yes, I went through the placements of IIT and got offers in a couple of companies. But I decided to join IOCL, as the scale of operations present at IOCL is huge and I wanted to gain good experience in operations.
Qn: What are the challenging things you have done at IOC?
A: Explained.
Qn: What do you want to do after MBA?
A: I want to become a consultant in operations management.
Qn: But as mentioned in your essay, your long term goal is to head operations in a company. How would your short term goal help you in achieving your long term goal?
A: By working as a consultant, I will learn various methods of optimizing operations in terms of time involved, cost incurred etc. and will implement the same in the operations intensive company that I join.
Qn: What is your plan if you are not able to get a job as a consultant?
A: Next to consultancy, ISB receives more offers from the e-commerce segment. I would like to join that segment as the optimization of operations plays a crucial role in this segment.
Qn: How will ISB help you to achieve your goal?
A: Courses such as Logistics and supply chain management, operations strategy, procurement strategy etc., will give me deep insights into operations management. In addition, courses such as Forecasting Analytics, Sustainable Manufacturing and operations, etc. will give insights in the emerging areas of Operations management. Moreover, the consulting club at ISB also gives me the opportunity to have interaction with alumni working in the field of operations consultancy.
Qn: What are your hobbies?
A: I like to move around scenic places that are 2 to 3 hours from my place of stay. Last week, I was at Athirapilly Waterfalls. It was the place where the famous Telugu film ‘Baahubali’ was shot.
Qn: Do you have any other hobbies?
A: In my free time, I like reading spiritual books such as Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita etc.
Qn: Did you learn anything from these books? How did you use these in your life and at work?
A: Gave an example
Qn: Scriptures say be content and satisfied. Then why are you applying for MBA?
A: Explained using a couple of examples from scriptures.
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Check this article – ISB interview, we have shared important interview tips and interview questions by A M Kannan, Ex ISB Director, Admissions and Financial Aid, Senior Mentor at ISBmantra.
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