Candidates who applied to ISB in the previous years are required to write an essay detailing the improvements in their profile. This is the best opportunity to convince the school that you have indulged in introspection to evolve a fresh perspective and enhanced your eligibility by upskilling or retooling.
If you applied through the Young Leaders Program (YLP), you do not need to write the reapplicant essay.

Essay topic – Please use this space to explain significant improvements in your profile since your last application to the ISB PGP.
If you applied in R1 last year and are applying in R1 again, you have had almost a year to plan afresh. Recapitulate the entire effort you may have expended to improve your profile.
If you applied in R2 last year and are now applying in R1, you have had just about 8 months, and this span may not reflect significant changes in your profile.
Did you still create opportunities to enhance your skills? You presented certain career goals in your last application. Did you take up professional initiatives and self-learning opportunities to move towards your professed career goals? Did you assess what might have gone wrong, talk to alumni and industry experts and attempt to position yourself better this year?
If your GMAT score was not good enough, were you willing to push yourself and retake the test? If you ended up scoring the same again – the school will still appreciate your intent and your commitment to the goal of doing the MBA at ISB.
Talk about the new projects, new learnings from these projects, things that you got to do for the first time, interactions you have had that had an impact on you and your career plans. Do not forget to include the experiences that helped you refine your core and soft skills further.
If you presented a goal or a career plan last year that you failed to justify in the interview; or if, after more thorough research, you have decided to opt for an alternative plan that you can validate, do not hesitate to make a statement.
Feel free to present the specifics of the research you engaged in to arrive at a more rational career plan. For all logical purposes, this is a better approach than presenting the same career plans again, when you are not too confident about being able to substantiate them in the interview.
How to bounce back from an ISB rejection? – Check this article for a ISB rejection recovery plan.
One step closer to ISB dream!
We at ISBmantra, with a team of former ISB admissions officers, can give feedback and guide you through the application process as a first time applicant or reapplicant.
Feel free to contact us.
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